Anniversary Update

It’s been a year since A Summer’s End was released. We are immensely touched by all the support and feedback we have received. We appreciate everyone who has commented and wrote to us personally. It means so much to hear that we were able to connect to many of you and that the game was able to provide an uplifting and positive experience.

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Oracle and Bone
A Roadmap for the Future

A Summer’s End has been a long and amazing journey for us. Although our game is just about ready for its initial release, we hope we can continue expanding on the project. Part memoir, part fiction, this game means so much to us personally. We hope what we’ve created would be an enjoyable experience for everyone and that it could be something that emotionally resonates with a lot of of our readers. 

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Oracle and BoneComment
Creating a soundtrack for A Summer’s End

Our soundtrack is a hybrid of sounds. We cannot say that it is a true 80s soundtrack, but it is certainly inspired from 80s music. Some of the soundtrack was music we produced ourselves. Our soundtrack also features independent and contemporary artists such as Timecop1983, Stevia Sphere, and Crystal Cola. The soundtrack of A Summer’s End falls under various genres which include funk, Italo disco, electronic, retro synthwave, chill wave, and vaporwave.

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Oracle and Bone
Recreating an 80s MV

Besides the 4:3 aspect ratio, VHS degradation effects, and rapid jump cuts, we wanted our trailer to not only look like a recording of an 80s music video, but also something that gives nods to the themes of our game and that of 80s media and culture.

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Oracle and Boneart, design
LGBTQ History

When we began our project, we worried about the authenticity of the story’s premise. We wanted to create a lesbian love story set in Hong Kong in the 1980s. We did not want our story to be anachronistic. We wanted it to be a believable and realistic love story. We had to do our research.

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Art Direction

Developing the art style for A Summer’s End was a significant challenge for our team. We wanted to create an original style that was distinctly our own but one that also reflected 1980’s aesthetics and fashion. In this blog post we’ll discuss our influences and our progress notes.

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Oracle and Bone